Litter Born 12/17/08
3 Females
5 Males
Natural Conception
Natural Whelp
Sire CH Stringfellow's Competitive Edge Nike AKC #WS15393601 AKC DNA #V516355 UKC #P529-721 Penn Hip .36/.32 Top 10% OFA Hips Fair OFA Shoulder, Cardiac,Patella, Thyroid |
Sire GRCH Floresta's Patriot Games AKC #WS11104703 09-08 AKC DNA #V395857 UKC #P339796 Penn Hip .29/.29 Best Score of the breed! OFA Hips Good OFA Elbow, Cardiac, Patella, Thyroid CERF (Littermates have OFA Hips of Excelent, Excelent and Good!) |
Sire CH Cohutta's Rising Sun of Park Avenue UKC #P339-796 OFA Hips Fair OFA Elbows, Cardiac, Thyroid, Patella CERF (Sire to OFA Hip Scores of: 2-Excelent, 2-Good, 1-Fair) |
Sire Urann De L'Aube Rouge) FCI Losh 791955 (Sire:CH Rano de l' Aube Rouge ) (Dam:CH Roumba de l'Aube Rouge |
Dam Mascotte De L'Etang De Mirloup (Sire:JWCH Jumbo-Jet De L'Etang de Mirloup) (Dam:Hyda De L'Etang de Mirloup) |
Dam Sarah Lee UKC #P271-612 Penn Hip .56/.52 OFA Hips Good OFA Elbow, Thyroid,Patella,Cardiac CERF (Dam to OFA Hip Scores of: 2-Excelent, 1-Good, 1-Fair) |
Sire Sir Pierre Tokarz (Sire: Gary De La Font De Pepignon) (Dam:Dutchess M&N Ryles) |
Dam Hippie De La Font De Pepignon (Sire: Daffy De La Seigneurie Des Chartrons) (Dam: Chloe De La Font De Pepignon) |
Dam CH Liberty's Lilah AKC #WP98848404 09-08 (Littermates: Liberty's Lnacelot 2002 DDBSA National Specialty BOB & BIS, Liberty's Lenox 2004 DDBSA National Specialty recieved Excelent Rating in Open Male) |
Sire CH Uliou De L'Aube Rouge Hungarian CH FCI MET2110/H/98 AKC WP94249201 UKC #P27-886 |
Sire CH Rano De L'Aube Rouge FCI Losh 707521 (Sire: Belmondo the Red Powerpack) (Dam: Piplette de L'Aube Rouge) |
Dam CH Roumba De L'Aube Rouge FCI Losh 721180 (Sire: Egor De L'Etoile Saint Hubert) (Dam: Neil Des Jolies Gueules) |
Dam CH Dez Du Domaine De Frimarque German Champion FCI NHSB 2020505 |
Sire CH Jake Deutsch Champoin FCI NHSB 1902360 HD-D (Sire: Hercules Van Douvergenhout) (Dam: Cujo) |
Dam Gabi FCI NHSB1725939 LOF.2D.BX004878 (Has several black Mask Siblings) (Sire:Brigant De La Ronceraie De Saint Jean) (Dam:Athena Du Bois De Trousse Chemise) |
Dam CH Red Angel's According to Bridget UKC #P561-962 Penn Hip .47/.43 Top 10% OFA Hips Good OFA Shoulder, Cardiac, Thyroid, Patella |
Sire Liberty's Ulan FCI MET Bord.dog6779/01 (Full littermate brother to Liberty's Uno (OFA Hips Good & OFA Elbows, who recieved a rating of Excelent for Open Male in DDBSA 2004 National Specialty) |
Sire Tanakajd Szepe Hugo FCI MET.Bord.dog3882/99 |
Sire CH Kimbo Lux.CH - NI.CH-Jdg Winn. - Winner NHSB #2031364 (Sire:Ismar De L'Etoile Saint Hubert) (Dam:Jaghay Van Het Grevelingenland) |
Dam Ride Museau De La Barbe R.CAC FCI #2161/98 (Sire: Sun-King Nick) (Dam:Tanakajd Szepe Gizi) |
Dam Liberty's Fenya FCI MET.Bord.dog2748/98 (Dam of Liberty's Uno, who recieved a rating of Excelent for Open Male in DDBSA 2004 National Specialty) |
Sire INT CH Tanakajd Szepe Klod YU CH - Int.CH - HOH - 17xCAC FCI MET.Bord.dog690/95 HD-A (Sire:Bam-Bam Un De Mes Amis) (Dam:Minnie Del Pardo) |
Dam Dora Vom Kayserwald FCI (Sire:Iskander De Legeane) (Dam: Andra Vom Kayserwald |
Dam Ronauti-Maci Abigel FCI #7259/03 UKC #P546-914 Penn Hip .68/.64 Top 40% OFA Cardiac, Thyroid (one win away from UKC CH) (Dam to 2 dogs with top 10% Penn Hip Scores, 1 OFA Good) |
Sire Ride Museau De Le Defenseur R.CAC-3xCAC-Timklos szepe - R.CACIB FCI MET.Bord.dog3825/00 |
Sire INT CH Tanakajd Szepe Klod YU CH - Int.CH - HOH - 17xCAC FCI MET.Bord.dog690/95 HD-A (Sire:Bam-Bam Un De Mes Amis) (Dam:Minnie Del Pardo) |
Dam Ride Museau De La Bedaine Husv.K.szepe-Husv.K.bajnoka-CAC-R.CACIB FCI MET.Bord.dog2164/98 (Sire: Sun-King Nick) (Dam:Tanakajd Szepe Gizi) |
Sire CH Weekend Warrior Asterix R.CAC-2xCAC-2xHFGY-CACIB FCI MET.Bord.dog429/95 (Sire: Red-Black-Silber Amigo) (Dam:Red King Asztra) |
Dam CH Afrodita FGY-HP J-Fiat.GY-YU CH FCI MET.Bord.dog461/H/95 (Sire: Ferro V Baren CH) (Dam:Astra Od Bobana) |
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