Hello my name is Erika, located in Scottsdale Arizona I am a Dental
Assistant 3.5 days a week and we run a business out of our home.
Working like this allows us to spend lots of time with our Dogues
and to provide our puppies with constant attention and care.
Over the years my family and I have owned several breeds of dogs.
Most were given to us or rescued from one situation or another,
until I decided to purchase my first Dogue De Bordeaux. Since
childhood I have always loved breeding and raising animals as pets,
big and small. Horses, ducks, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters to
name a few, but I always wanted to breed dogs. Probably due to
the amount of work, responsibility, expense and possible
complications involved, my parents never quite got on board with
the idea when I was a child :)
Finally old enough to follow my heart I did a bundle of research and
decided that the Dogue De Bordeaux was the breed for me. Now a
few years later I have 6 darlings who have stolen our hearts and
enriched our lives. Our Dogues are kept indoors most of the time
partially due to the heat during the majority of the year and mostly
because we love to have them close by.
When a litter is expected the Mom to be sleeps with me and the
pups are born at the foot of the bed in the whelping box. Yes it
might be a bit stinky at times having a bunch of pups in the
bedroom but that's what air filters are for! It Gives me piece of
mind knowing that they are warm, safe and I am close enough to
hear if they need help during the night. As they get older I love to
fall asleep to the playful pitter-pat of puppy feet before they all
settle down for the night.
By raising our pups this way they grow into well adjusted adults.
We begin potty training, crate training, manors, and start to
instill some basic obedience before our babies go to there new
homes. The pups are introduced to our other Dogues at about 4
weeks old so mom gets some babysitting help and they can learn
to respect older dogs. Our pups can go to there new carefully
selected homes no earlier than 8 weeks old, 10 weeks for any
traveling out of the state. In doing so the pups are allowed more
learning time with our pack and there litter mates. At this age
there little immune systems will also be more developed and they
will be less likely to become ill from the stress of leaving to a new
Any of the Dogues who leave our family to join yours will always
have a home here with us we are committed to our Dogues for the
duration of there lives. We created them to love them!