UKC Champion

UKC Registered
AKC Pending

DNA w/ AKC Pending

Penn HIP
Top 10% Of Breed
NO DJD    .47/.43


OFA Shoulders - Normal

OFA Patella - Normal

OFA Thyroid - Normal

OFA Cardiac - Normal
Bridget was the pick female pup from our first litter and she is a big girl.  Brooklyn is her mother
and Sue is her littermate brother. Bridget has far exceeded  what I could have ever expected
from our first breeding and continues to amaze me on a daily basis. Not only are her health
clearances exceptional for the breed but she has proven herself just as surprising in the show

Bridget earned her UKC Championship at the very first show she attended. She was just short
of 2 years old it was her first show, my second and neither of us had a clue what we were
doing! There were several other DDB there that weekend in CA and our little Bridget not only
earned her Championship but earned Best of Breed, and Best of Group letting us go on to
compete for Best in Show! She made her mommy very proud that weekend indeed :)

Bridget is a very bouncy Bordeaux, full of life, love and energy. She snores loudly and has a
strict bedtime even if the people are not ready to go to sleep yet she will tuck herself in. She
prefers the head of the bed because she needs a pillow too, of course. We sometimes call her
Tigger since it's rare to find her with all 4 feet on the ground when she is happy. She puts her
good hips to use and will bounce up and look you in the eye when she sees her dinner
coming, yummy dinner!  

Now that Bridget has had her first litter it is confirmed that her mother passed on her
exceptional instincts for motherhood and ability to naturally whelp a large litter and care for it
without complication or assistance. Bridget is not only a one in a million asset to our breeding
program but she is also a one in a billion blessing to our family.

I will be adding more recent photos to her page soon!